Evidence-Based Practice

Evidence-Based Practice is a tool that helps program providers increase the likelihood of offering effective programs; use these resources to get you started. If you need additional support or have questions - fill out our Request Technical Assistance form in Quick Links and check out our video The Powerful New Evidence Base for Afterschool on YouTube.

Visit AIR to review their 4-part series on the role of research and evidence in Out-of-School Time and Summer Programs.






Guide 1 - Recognizing the Role of Research and Evidence 

Guide 2 - What Does the Research Say About Afterschool and Summer Programming

Guide 3 - What Does "Evidence-Based" Mean for Afterschool and Summer Programs

Guide 4 - What Can Afterschool and Summer Programs do to Leverage this Opportunity

Visit the Search Institute to review Current Research on Developmental Assets - part of the Positive Youth Development Framework.

Search Institute